The Big Blue

2009.08.07. 23:41

 Why do you like orienteering? I often ask myself this question these days. Just a week to go until the start of WOC (and 16 days to the end), I'm just getting way too much of it. In fact, 2 weeks ago, I had enough and had to go out for a night run, which calmed me down a bit. At least I'm not breaking cars or such, not an expensive hobby fortunately (although the headlamp I ran with is worth 400 EUR).

Today, I was just ready with almost all map issues concerning WOC and really wanted to go out. As I enjoyed it very much the last time, obviously I waited till it became dark. I went for Esőház, which is 13 km, with 350 m of climbing, and it took me 72 minutes today.

Running at night in the woods is always special. You are on your own. Your world consists of only the next 30m, which you can see in the light. It's an extreme example of living in the present. It's just you and ... No it's just about yourself. When running at night, I often feel like the man himself, Enzo Molinari - this is where I belong. Unless, that I won't ever die in the dark woods.

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